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Suriname November 2011

The Brownsberg Plateau rises up from extensive lowland forest; the entrance road is difficult and slow, but affords many opportunities to stop and bird (almost no traffic). The only place to stay is at one of the STINASU cabins in a complex set among a series of small clearings close to the eastern drop-off ridge that overlooks the huge reservoir on the Suriname river. Other than these clearings the whole area is covered in tall primary rainforest, and is magnificent! We stayed in the Kapasi cabin located to the left of the main overlook. From there we did numerous walks on the wide, level trails atop the plateau (a couple of trails descend down to lowland forest, but we did not visit these):

Plumbeous Kite

Ornate Hawk-Eagle

Gray-winged Trumpeter

Gray-fronted Dove

Painted Parakeet

Band-rumped Swift

Chapman's Swift

"White-capped" Swift - not...

Lesser Swallow-tailed Swift

Black-eared Fairy

Tufted Coquette

Green-and-rufous Kingfisher

Golden-collared Woodpecker

Golden-Olive Woodpecker

Waved Woodpecker

Amazonian Antshrike

Dusky Antbird

Black-headed Antbird

Guianan Warbling-Antbird

Ferruginous-backed Antbird

Rufous-throated Antbird

McConnell's Flycatcher

Gray-crowned Flycatcher

White-throated Mankin

White-fronted Manakin

Buff-cheeked Greenlet

Musician Wren