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After the Western Temperate zone we dropped down to the Subtropical Zone and the Tandayapa Valley for four days, plus a couple of forays into the Foothill Zone..
. ...We stayed at Tandayapa Lodge, which was fine except for the ridiculous set of steep switchback steps you have to go up to get to the lodge from the parking lot - not something you look forward-to after a hard day's birding! The hummer feeders are excellent, and the blinds/hides can sometimes produce some fabulous birds, plus the trails are well-maintained and can provide some terrific birds.

The Antpitta Farm: Giant Antpitta

The Antpitta Farm: Yellow-breasted Antpitta

The Antpitta Farm: Dark-backed Wood-Quail

Linda Loma: Golden-rumped Euphonia.

Upper Tandayapa Valley: Plate-billed Mountain-Toucan (plus record shots of other Mountain-Toucans from past trips).

Upper Tandayapa Valley: Crimson-rumped Toucanet, Powerful Woodpecker,and Golden-crowned Flycatcher.

Tandayapa Lodge: hummingbirds 1.

Tandayapa Lodge: hummingbirds 2 .

Mindo Loma: Brilliants

Mindo Loma: Velvet-purple Coronets

Mindo Loma: Black-chinned and Blue-winged Mountain-Tanagers

Mindo Loma: Flame-faced, Beryl-spangled, and Golden Tanagers

Mindo Loma: Golden-naped Tanager and Masked Flowerpiercer

Introducing Mindo Loma - a great site for some very sought-after species.