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CHILE February 1990 & November 1993

I have visited Chile twice; the first time as a participant of a birding tour lead by Peter Roberts and Michel Salaberry in 1990, and the second time co-leading a tour with Michel Salaberry in 1993. Both itineraries were virtually identical, visiting the far south (Punta Arenas; Porvenir; Punta Delgada), the south-central area (Temuco south to Puerto Montt), the Santiago area (including around Valparaiso), and the far north (Arica and Lauca National Park). Both trips included pelagics out of Valparaiso and Arica, and both ended with a 3 night extension to Robinson Crusoe Island.

NOTE: These trips pre-dated digital photography and the images are scans of slides, so don't expect the clarity and sharpness the modern era has created!

The Far North:
Ornate Tinamou above Putre in Lauca National Park.
Red-billed Tropicbird: an unexpected visitor over our boat our from Arica.
Puna Plover: an unexpected find on the coast near Arica.
Laughing Gull: perhaps only the 2nd or 3rd record for Chile in 1993, at Arica.
Elegant and Common Terns on the coast at Arica.
Chilean Woodstar in the Azapa Valley.
Mountain Parakeet from near the village of Putre.
Streaked Tit-Spinetail from near the village of Putre.
Spot-billed Ground-Tyrant from the lower Lluta Valley.
Tamarugo Conebill from the upper part of the lower Lluta Valley.
Black-throated Flowerpiercer from behind the village of Putre.
Blue-and-yellow Tanager from the village of Putre.
Chestnut-throated Seedeater from the lower Lluta Valley.
White-throated Sierra-Finch in Lauca National Park.
Golden-billed Saltator from the village of Putre.

The Santiago area:

Magellanic Tapaculo IN FLIGHT from scree area near Farrallones Ski Resort.

Robinson Crusoe Island:

Juan Fernandez Firecrown
- the World's only Oceanic endemic hummingbird! This page also contains photos of the Island and some of its endemic plants.
Juan Fernandez Tit-Tyrant - the other endemic species in the Island.

The South-Central area:

Rufous-tailed Hawk from near Refugio Antillanca.

The Far South:

Ruddy-headed Goose: two from a flock near Porvenir.
White-cheeked Pintail in Punta Arenas.
Manx Shearwater over the Strait of Magellan between Punta Arenas and Porvenir.
Magellanic Diving-Petrel over the Strait of Magellan between Punta Arenas and Porvenir.
Snowy Sheathbill - some tame birds at the Punta Delgada ferry landing.