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CHILE February 1990 & November 1993

I have visited Chile twice; the first time as a participant of a birding tour lead by Peter Roberts and Michel Salaberry in 1990, and the second time co-leading a tour with Michel Salaberry in 1993. Both itineraries were virtually identical, visiting the far south (Punta Arenas; Porvenir; Punta Delgada), the south-central area (Temuco south to Puerto Montt), the Santiago area (including around Valparaiso), and the far north (Arica and Lauca National Park). Both trips included pelagics out of Valparaiso and Arica, and both ended with a 3 night extension to Robinson Crusoe Island.

Elegant and Common Terns Thalasseus elegans and Sterna hirundo
: part of a flock of Elegant Terns (with a few Common Terns mixed-in - there were many more flocks of Common Terns in the same area) from the seafront at the Arica Hotel on February 22, 1990: