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After the Eastern Temperate Zone we dropped down to the Subtropical Zone and Cabanas San Isidro for Three days, plus a couple of forays into the Foothill Zone. As always, San Isidro was the best place of the trip, both in terms of ambience and food, and also nearby birding. I always recommend a stay there as virtually compulsory! We birded the hummingbird feeders, Entrance road, the Antvireo trail, Guacamyos Ridge for the first km (shrouded in clouds, as usual - but with great birds), and a few roadside stops before dropping down to the foothills.

San Isidro Mystery Owl.

White-chested Swift at San Isidro.

Chestnut-breasted Coronet and Tourmaline Sunangel at Guango Lodge.

White-capped Tanagers bloew the Guacamayos Ridge.