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BRAZIL November 2008

We spent five nights (November 18 - 22, 2008) at the famous and fabulous Cristalino Jungle Lodge in northernmost Mato Grosso state with Bradley Davis as our guide; Brad has spent months at this location as a guide and researcher, and his extensive experience with all the trails and locations really paid dividends:

Razor-billed Currasow .

Zigzag, Capped, Striated, and Rufescent Tiger-Herons .

Green Ibis .

Sunbittern .

Bat and Laughing Falcons .

Dark-winged Trumpeter .

Pied Lapwing .

Crimson-bellied Parakeet .

Blackish Nightjar .

Ladder-tailed Nightjar .

Ringed Kingfisher .

Curl-crested Aracari .

Red-necked Aracari .

Striolated Puffbird .

Short-billed Leaftosser .

Slender-billed Xenops .

Band-tailed Antbird .

Amazonian Antpitta .

Spotted Tody-Flycatcher .

Amazonian Tyrannulet .

White-lored Tyrannulet .

Yellow-crowned Tyrannulet .

Short-tailed Pygmy-Tyrant .

Euler's Flycatcher .

Dwarf Tyrant-Manakin .

Flame-crested (crowned) Manakin .

White-banded and White-winged Swallows .

Masked and Turquoise Tanagers .

Purple Honeycreeper .