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Odonates from East-central Panama, March 2009 :

All the following odes are from a short birding trip to central Panama, March 22 - 25, 2009; thanks to Dennis Paulson for help with the IDs:

A): This presumed Philogenia championi was along a forested trail in short but steep ravines near Nusagandi, easternmost Panama Province, Panama on March 22, 2009 :

B): This female damselfly (Palaemnema sp.) was along a forested trail in short but steep ravines near Nusagandi, easternmost Panama Province, Panama on March 22, 2009 :

C): This female Argia sp. was in the Metropolitan Nature Park, Panama on March 25, 2009:

D): This male Argia sp. (pulla/frequentula) was in the Metropolitan Nature Park, Panama on March 25, 2009:

- the same taxon?:

- the same taxon?:

E): This male presumed Argia indicatrix was in the Metropolitan Nature Park, Panama on March 25, 2009:

F): This male is probably Acanthagrion trilobatum, and was in the Metropolitan Nature Park, Panama on March 25, 2009:

G): This male Blue-fronted Setwing Dythemis multipunctata was in the Metropolitan Nature Park, Panama on March 25, 2009:

H): This male Pallied Amberwing Perithemis mooma was in the Metropolitan Nature Park, Panama on March 25, 2009:

- a 2nd individual:

I): This young male is probably Erythrodiplax fervida, and was in the Metropolitan Nature Park, Panama on March 25, 2009:

J): This young male Uracis imbuta was in the Metropolitan Nature Park, Panama on March 25, 2009: