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Russet-tipped Clubtail Stylurus plagiatus:

This male was photographed near the Paso del Indo Trail in Laredo, Webb County, Texas on September 30, 2004:

These three male Western-types were among more than 20 similar types that I found hanging on riverside plants in one area along the Rio Grande east of Presidio, Presidio County, Texas on July 03, 2005; they appear to be the first record in Texas west of the Pecos:

Differences from those found east of the Pecos include:
- the pattern of S7 is an extension of the S2 - S6 pattern, rather than an extension of the S8/S9 pattern;
- S8 is yellow with a blackish-brown dorso-posterial block;
- the tips of the cerci are extended into points:

- note on the individual below that S7 is more intermediate between the Western and Eastern forms:

This female was found by Sheridan Coffey at Balmorhea Lake, Reeves County on July 30 2006, and is a new county record: