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Gilded River Cruiser Macromia pacifica

This Macromia was photographed in late June 2002, along a stretch of a wooded slow creek in Western Tarrant County (just west of Fort Worth), Texas.  It was striking in appearance and behavior: the yellow on the abdomen and frons was thick and eye-catching, and it flew very low over the water repeatedly patrolling a beat of just 30 yards for about five minutes before disappearing upstream; I feel it must be M. pacifica - but in the photos, it looks like there is no frontal yellow stripe on the thorax...? update:- Sid Dunkle has commented that this is likely a *pacifica* with the front legs drawn up to obscure the yellow frontal stripe:

This crop shows the strong yellow on the frons:

It is possible that motion blur might be exaggerating the extent of the yellow markings; this is a version that has been darkened, effectively shrinking the yellow parts