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Needham's Skimmer Libellula needhami;

Sheldon Lake, Harris County in July 2014:

Nueces County, Texas on June 27 2004;  new County record:

This male looks a bit odd to me, as it seems to have a lot of red veining in the wings (more than normal for needhami?), plus the inner costal vein is definitely red (albeit a shade darker than the outer red costal vein, but not the expected blackish.) The lower rear leg is obscured by the red wing veining, but there is a suggestion that it is darker than the upper/forelegs (blackish?) My very limited experience has me feeling that this individual shows some features of Golden-winged Skimmer L. auripennis; are hybrids known? The location (30 yards from a coastal bay) suggests that auripennis would not occur anywhere close to this location...?: