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This page provides information and images of Cryptic Rubyspot Hetaerina calverti, a taxon described in 2020 as the result of a split from H. americana.

The article reference is: "Hetaerina calverti (Odonata: Zygoptera: Calopterygidae) sp. nov., a new cryptic species of the American Rubyspot complex".  In summary the primary identification feature for males is the structure of the cerci, and for females is the presence and shape of a spike dorso-apically on segment 10.  These features are almost impossible to determine in the field and would require exceptional field photos to have a chance of determining an identification.  The bottom line is that identification can only be conclusively confirmed by close examination of the end of the cerci (males) or S10 (females).

I found out about this new species by accident back in April 2020 very soon after the paper was published, and saw in the article that there were records of calverti very close to the Texas border in the Del Rio area.  A conversation with Dennis Paulson revealed that he had a small number of specimens from San Felipe Creek - and all of them were calverti from the period 1961 - 2001.  Thus from May 2020 I was chomping at the bit to get to San Felipe Creek, but the pandemic prevented me from doing so that year.  I finally had the opportunity to visit Del Rio in early March 2021, and had already realised that I would need to photograph an individual and then catch that individual.

On March 09. 2021 I visited the creek; the only odes I saw were five rubyspots: four males and one female.  None were fully mature.  I photographed all five, and was able to catch two males and the female.  I took a few in-hand photos, then prepared them as specimens and photographed the salient elements using a microscope.  Here are some of the photos I obtained.

Male #1:

Male #1 cerci from above:

Male #1 cerci from below:

Male #2:

Male #2 cerci from above:

Male #2 cerci from below:
