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These multiple Pacific Spiketails Cordulegaster dorsalis (dorsalis?) were some of the 6+ seen along a short section of the Jemez River c. 200 yards upstream from Jemez Falls, Sandoval county, New Mexico during the mid-morning of July 04 , 2008; they appear rather intermediate between the nominate form and deserticola in the following ways:
- the dark horizontal bar on the front of the yellow frons is completely lacking (or almost so).
- there is a partial yellow stripe between the two lateral thoracic stripes.
- segment 1 has a small spot of yellow laterally.
- segment 2's apical yellow spots are large and the basodorsal yellow mark has pointed lateral expansions.
- segments 3, 4 and some times 5 have apical yellow spots.
- segment 7's basal yellow "saddle" narrowly extends considerably into the ventral region of the segment.
- the yellow on segment 8 forms an (almost?) complete ring: