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Sheridan and I made a quick three-day trip to Los Angeles Oct 14 -16 2004; my first birding trip to the Golden State:

This page is devoted to the montane birds; CLICK HERE to see some of the lowland stuff.

We had great luck with the toughies, including eye-level, close looks at Lawrence's Goldfinches, and a large covey of Mountain Quail:

This young Band-tailed Pigeon is not exactly a gaudy bird, but this species rarely presents itself for good photos:

My Bird of the Trip: the gorgeous White-headed Woodpecker:

- here being "nudged" by an Acorn Woodpecker:

We saw a couple of typical Red-naped Sapsuckers, but this one looked suspiciously like Yellow-bellied to me - the throat was all-red, and did not seem to bleed into the black edge...:

The ubiquitous bird of the San Gabriel Mountains was Western Bluebird:

- in one large drinking group there was an imm./female type that was much paler blue that all the others (rightmost bird in next two photos):

- here's a close-up; I don't think this is a Mountain Bluebird, but I was surprised at how pale this individual was:

here's a normal female-type (top-left) for comparison:

The drip at Chilao Visitor Center, Angeles National Forest was fabulous for photography; note the rightmost Western Bluebird has a quite whitish throat:

most Mountain Chickadees looked like the one above, but the one below has an abbreviated white supercilium:

Oak Titmouse:

both Stellar's (above) and Western Scrub Jays were fairly common:

The Pacific western form of White-breasted Nuthatch is quite dark on the upperparts:

Pygmy Nuthatch:

We saw three kinds of Fox Sparrow: this Sooty up high in the forests; a Slate-colored in the semi-wooded foothills, and a Large-billed in the Sepulveda Basin lowlands:

Oregon Junco:

Junco ssp.: this is a juvenile Junco molting into first-basic - might it be a Pink-sided?: