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Suriname November 2011

We had arranged for a private Guide with vehicle (the excellent Sean Dilrosun and his 4WD minibus) for our entire stay in Suriname. On our first day we visited the Botanic Gardens, a stretch of the Suriname River nearby, a new locaton called "Chocopot", Peperpot Plantation, and finishing on the Weg naar Zee west of the city. For our last full day we revisited most of the preceding sites, again ending the day on the Weg naar Zee:

Rufous Crab Hawk

Black-collared Hawk

Slender-billed Kite

Azure Gallinule

White-rumped Sandpiper - juvenile

Little Cuckoo

Great Potoo

Short-tailed Swift

American Pygmy Kingfisher

Green-tailed Jacamar

Arrowhead Piculet - Suriname's only full-species endemic

Blood-colored Woodpecker

Cream-colored Woodpecker

Black-crested Antshrike

Blackish Antbird

Black-throated Antbird

Pale-tipped Inezia

Spotted Tody-Flycatcher

Crimson-hooded Manakin

Ashy-headed Greenlet

Martin sp. - is this a Purple subis?

Violaceous Euphonia

Hooded Tanager