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PERU May 2010

From May 02 to 19, 2010, Sheridan Coffey and myself visited north and central Peru with Kolibri Expeditions; On May 06 we did a Pelagic out of Callao, west of Lima:

Humboldt Penguin - nice to see good numbers (including juveniles) on the offshore islands.
Waved Albatross - we were delighted to have close encounters with this endangered species.
Black-browed Albatross - small numbers; all young birds.
Chatham Albatross - the best bird of the pelagic! - two found among the 15+ Salvin's Ablatrosses.
White-chinned Petrel - fairly common.
Ringed Storm-Petrel - fairly common.
Markham's Storm-Petrel - only two, and not good pics.
Wedge-rumped Storm-Petrel - a handful drifted in to the chum line but rarely stayed long; are both subspecies shown here?
Elliot's Storm-Petrel - by far the commonest storm-petrel, allowing great looks/pics.
Storm-Petrel - is this just a well-marked Elliots?
Wilson's Storm-Petrel - is this the enigmatic Fuegian Storm-Petrel??
Peruvian Diving-Petrel - 5 or 6 seen, but always tough to photograph!
Red-legged Cormorant - what a great-looking cormorant; fairly common offshore.
Peruvian Booby - common offshore.
Blue-footed Booby - a couple offshore, and these five (plus at least one other) among breeding birds on the offshore Islands.
Sabine's Gull - one of two adults seen offshore.
Peruvian Tern - three seen offshore; poor photos of one bird.
Surf Cinclodes - two seen distantly among the breeding seabirds on the offshore islands.

Blue Whale - a bonus on the way back in to port.