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PERU May 2010

From May 02 to 19, 2010, Sheridan Coffey and myself visited north and central Peru with Kolibri Expeditions; On May 08 and 09 we visited Porculla Pass and roads near Jaen in the lower Maranon Valley:

Spotted Rail - a long-wanted Lifer, we saw about 5 or 6 in the rice fields.
Croaking Ground-Dove - common.
Spot-throated Hummingbird - - ENDEMIC - we saw this rather dull specialty twice.
Maranon Thornbird - seen here in the Maranon Valley, and the later in the Mayo Valley.
Rufous-necked Foliage-Gleaner - one allowed us to see him in installments...
Tumbes (Mouse-colored) Tyrannulet - the Tumbesian form; it has a pale cinnamon rump - ?
Piura Chat-Tyrant - ENDEMIC - one was quite cooperative.
Maranon Crescentchest - if only it had posed better...
Three-banded Warbler - we saw three or four, but none wanted me to get a good photo.
Red-crested Finch - a couple seen.
Black-cowled Saltator - only two seen.
White-edged Oriole - a few seen.
Peruvian Meadowlark - a few seen.