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PERU May 2010

From May 02 to 19, 2010, Sheridan Coffey and myself visited north and central Peru with Kolibri Expeditions; From May 02-04 we visited Lake Junin, roadside stops near Huanaco, Carpish Tunnel and Paty Trail, and Bosque Unchog:

Torrent Duck - how can you not take its picture?!
Puna Snipe - one finally gave itself up to good views.
Black-winged Ground-Dove - only seen near Lake Junin.
Yungas Pygmy-Owl - after a slow start he would not leave us alone.
Coppery Metaltail - ENDEMIC - surprisingly common on the trail down to Bosque Unchog.
Chestnut Antpitta - ENDEMIC - great looks of the central Peruvian form.
Rufous-headed Pygmy-Tyrant - always a treat.
Bay-vented Cotinga - ENDEMIC - a thrill to watch a pair of these rare cotingas.
Rufous-browed Hemispingus - ENDEMIC - a stunning encounter with a pair; wow!
Rufous-backed Inca-Finch - ENDEMIC - after playing hard-to-get, two gave themselves up.