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PERU May 2010

From May 02 to 19, 2010, Sheridan Coffey and myself visited north and central Peru with Kolibri Expeditions; On May 05 we stopped at Ticlio and Milloc Bogs close to the High Pass on the Central Highway; on May 17-18 we visited the Santa Eulalia Valley, due east of Lima, all the way up to the Marcapomacocha Road:

Andean Goose - a few seen in the paramo zone; also near Lake Junin.
Andean Condor - seen a number of times, but never very close.
Diademed Sandpiper-Plover - adult and independant juvenile.
Spot-winged Pigeon - only one seen.
Peruvian Pygmy-Owl - the inland form (we saw the coastal form in the northwest).
Andean Swift (see first entry on this page) - why are these birds pale-headed?
Peruvian Sheartail - common but always a delight to watch.
Bronze-tailed Comet ENDEMIC - we only found a couple.
Black-breasted Hillstar ENDEMIC - pleasantly easy to see and photograph.
Black Metaltail ENDEMIC - a bit harder to photograph...
Olivaceous Thornbill - my last Thornbill!
Black-necked Woodpecker ENDEMIC - we only saw one pair.
Dark-winged Miner ENDEMIC - fairly common at very high elevations.
Junin Canastero ENDEMIC - very responsive.
Stripe-headed Antpitta - also seen near Huanuco.
White-browed Chat-Tyrant - common at mid-elevations.
White-cheeked Cotinga ENDEMIC - seen on two days! I managed to smash a camera lens while trying to get pics...
Collared Warbling-Finch - we only saw two, close to the Great Inca-Finch spot.
Peruvian Sierra-Finch - common up high.