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Honduras December 2014

From December 5-12, 2014 Sheridan and I were in Honduras. We made a quick visit to La Tigra NP, stopping in the Comayagua and Lake Yojoa areas during the drives, and then had a great five-night stay at the luxurous and very birdy Pico Bonito Lodge. Our bird guide was Esdras Lopez Mejia, who did a fine job in difficult conditions (we lost almost half of our field time to rain). Special thanks go to James Adams at Pico Bonito Lodge for arranging and delivering a great, well-executed itinerary at a terrific price!

A Blue-crowned Motmot Momotus coeruliceps lessonii near the lower tower at Pico Bonito Lodge on December 12, 2014. This is precisely where most people see Keel-billed Motmots, and the two species seem to cohabit in this area; we saw both species close to our cabin (less than 100 yards from where these photos were taken):

Note how narrow is the bill from below - quite different to the broad bill of the Keel-billed Motmot found at the exact same location: