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Guatemala 2006

Los Andes :

For some stupid reason I did not take photos of the unique forest at Los Andes... You'll just have to take my word for it that the humungous giant trees are simply awe-inspiring! Here is the main house where there are guest rooms with shared bathrooms, a swimming pool, and marvellous view down to the Pacific Ocean (we saw Blue-tailed Hummingbird in the bushes to the left in this photo):

Sometimes the most memorable thing is not a bird: These are these children from the local school, built and run by the local community from their share of the proceeds of this farming operation. They sang us a song and presented us with their drawings of the volcanos; standing near the right side in this photo is Olga Hazard, part of the family that owns this little piece of Heaven:

The kids were very enthusiastic about their forest:

- and bubbled with an infectious joy that got us all singing!:

After the songs a few of us let them look through our binoculars, and even the older, "cool" teeenagers broke down into giggles! This was a real highlight of the trip for most of us.... oh yes, and the birding was brilliant, too!