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Update: November 13, 2002: On November 12 I observed another SOVI at the same location; the differences were subtle yet added-up to a very different feel - it had a clean throat-cheek demarcation, darker gray entire head, yellow tinge to the wing bars and tertials and secondary edges, and more extensive and yellow flanks markings, and was much more sluggish in behavior, with no wing-flicking - in other words a typical Blue-headed Vireo.

This Solitary Vireo (Vireo sp.) was photographed by Martin Reid at Mosque Point, Lake Worth, Tarrant County, Texas on November 8, 2002. It's behavior was more Cassin's-like, in that it was quite active, frequently wing-flicking, and sometimes hover-gleaning like a kinglet.
Note the pure white wing bars and tertial edges, with greenish tinges to flight feathers (i.e. no yellow) and limited, dingy flank coloring that is only slightly yellow-tinged. Also, the light olive-gray of the nape and lower ear coverts extends down through the mantle and central back, separating the slightly more-green scapulars:

there is an odd dusky smudge on the chin:

note the rather two-tone head, with a darker front half than back half, and the darker subloral area that contrasts with the paler forecrown:

the outer retrices are edged whitish, but with a yellowish tinge to the edging, and the inner retrices were narrowly edged yellowish-olive: