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This Golden-Plover Pluvialis sp. was feeding on the coastline among large amounts of sargassum seaweed washed-up on the shore on Mustang Island, Coastal Texas on April 03, 2011. There were many American Golden-Plovers (AMGP) scattered on short-grass and dirt habitats inland from the beach - this was the only one I saw along a short stretch of the coast. In flight note:-
- the toes extending beyond the tail in flight
- the strong golden markings on the rump extending up across the entire back
- the old, worn primaries and secondaries EXCEPT for the fresh two outer secondaries on both wings
- the fresh greater primary and secondary coverts (except for one retained old secondary covert)
- the juvenile-type outer tail feathers (R5 and R6) contrasting with fresher 2nd-generation inner retricies
- the suggestion of a molt boundary betweeen P6 and P7 (outers fresher) - ? :

The standing bird does not look hugely different to many AMGPs in Spring in Texas, but note:
- the slight golden-yellow wash on the face (first and last images) - but could this be staining from the seaweed?
- the rather long bill with slightly bulbous tip
- the medium-length extension of the primaries beyond the tail
- the juvenile-type tertials
- the palish gray legs
- the three primary tips visible beyond the longest tertial
- P6 looking paler than P7-P10, suggesting molt boundary - ?: