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This Eastern Wood-Pewee Contopus virens was at Bear Creek Park, Harris county, Texas on October 13, 2012. I had gone to this location to look for the Greater Pewee that had been found and photographed recently, and seen on a number of subsequent occasions by other birders. When I found this bird I hastily IDed it as the Greater Pewee (due to the large-looking bill, with the mandible orange and lacking any duskiness at the tip) and then concentrated on getting photos. A local birder came by and told me that this was not the Greater Pewee, and must be a Wood-Pewee. I was flummoxed, but with a more critical look could see that it was not a good fit for Greater Pewee - which I saw a couple of months later (see bottom photo).

Looking at the very worn plumage (especially tail tip) I think this is not a HY bird, so the solidly orange mandible seems very unusual - ? :

This is the real Greater Pewee Contopus pertinax; note the relatviely larger bill, longer-looking tail (due to shorter wings) and unabraded tail tip: