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This collage of calidris sandpipers contains images mostly taken within the normal migratory range of Red-necked Stint Calidris ruficollis in late Aug and Sept. - but a few are not....:

So, which are Red-necked stints, which are not/might not be, and why?
If you see your photo here and want it removed, please email me and I'll do so immediately, with my apologies - my only purpose in showing this collage is to demonstrate variability in RNST scapular patterns, and to try and learn if there is anything truly useful (perhaps diagnostic?) in these feathers (as indicated in various detailed Stint-ID published articles,)
NOTE: there is no prize or kudos associated with getting it right!; I am hoping for a discussion based upon what is visible in the pics, unbiased by any knowledge of the photos and where they were taken - thanks.