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Update November 15 2004: added nice dorsal shot by Lynn Barber, at bottom.
This 2CY Long-tailed Jaeger Stercorarius longicaudus was photographed on the November 06 2004 pelagic out of South Padre Island, Cameron County, Texas:
The quickest way to age a dark-capped jaeger is to check the underwing coverts; strongly-barred juvenile-type coverts indicate a 2CY bird, while fully-dark, uniform coverts indicate an adult (but may not preclude a subadult.)
Note the very limited, barely-present white at the bases of the primaries, the thick bill with gonydal point half-way back, and paleness of the adult-type gray upperparts. The central tail feathers are 2nd-generation and thus pointed, not rounded at the tip as on juveniles:-

Note below the lack of an obvious pale patch of feathers ahead of the black cap at the base of the upper mandible - something that non-juv. Parasitic almost always has:

Below note the pale blue legs (all jeagers retain black feet; the two larger taxa develop mostly black legs after their first year.) Note also that the black cap is cleanly demarcated from the light cheeks and nape; Parasitic at this age tends to have a less clean-cut boundary:

We came upon it as it was chasing this passerine (40+ miles out); by the time we got close, it had killed it; we cruised up to the corpse and confirmed the identity - an Eastern Phoebe: