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UPDATE: I found a somewhat similar Spring bird at exactly the same spot - click here to see it.

This Empidonax Flycatcher was photographed at Sam Nail Ranch, BBNP, Brewster county, Texas on September 04, 2011: The general feel of the bird in the field was that of a Willow Flycatcher, but it looked rather short-winged (shorter-winged than the impression created in the first pic below) and was silent during our 5 -8 minute encounter with it (it was still down by the drip when we left). Frankly it was hard to see well, as it kept moving around without resting long, especially during the brief times it was in the open as in these images. I did not check my photos on a large creen (i.e. off-camera) until I got home to San Antonio, when I noticed that it has a striking tawny rump/utcs and pale cinnamon wash to the ventral area and lowermost flanks. There is also a suggestion of a paler "collar" sweeping up around the auricular. These are all supposed features of White-throated Flycatcher E. albogularis. Click here to see a photos of White-throated Flycatcher. So, can some forms/ages of Willow Flycatcher have a strongly tawny rump and pale cinnamon (rather than lemon) wash to ventral underparts? - I can find no reference to such individuals in my collection of literature:

There are the only 3 images obtained, each cropped a little, reduced, and sharpened (zooms are below) - light and color tones are straight from the camera:

Here are the same pics cropped and at 100% camera image size; note the tawny uppertail coverts visible below the primaries in the first photo:

Here are the same crops after using Photoshop's "Auto Fix" feature: