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Hurricane Dolly made landfall Wednesday evening July 23, 2008 as a Category 2 Hurricane some 30 miles north of South Padre Island, Texas, and then moved slowly inland on a WNW heading. On Thursday I went ot the Corpus Christi area to look for storm-driven seabirds:

This Sooty Tern was one of two adults seen from the road bridge flying back to the open sea along the new channel leading to JP Luby Park, Mustang Island, Nueces County:

This inland Storm-Petrel was seen from Lake Corpus Christi State Recreational Area, Lake Corpus Christi, San Patricio County; soon after these photos were taken it disappeared - either it died and sank, or was taken by one of the five Magnificent Frigatebirds patrolling this part of the lake... Based on liklihood it is a Band Rumped Storm-Petrel, but can Leach's be ruled out from these photos or from my observations (it was unable to fly, and thus I never saw the full extent of white on the rump, or the tail or legs) - ?: