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This presumed first-basic smithsonianus Herring Gull was photographed at Rockport, Texas in January, I think (not sure what year, but post-1999). The photos were taken to document the Thayer's Gull at left - I cannot recall who took them; I'd appreciate hearing from the photographer so that I can credit him/her and add the date information. Note the fresh innermost greater covert, and possibly a couple of 2nd-generation lesser coverts that were replaced in the post-juvenile molt, such that they are almost as worn as the juv. coverts:

Note below the extensive white in the outer retrix and the mottled rather than cloudy belly pattern; I am struck by certain similarities to images of Azorean Atlantis YLGU published in BIRDING WORLD, Volume 14 Number 7 ("Identification of Atlantic Islands Yellow-Legged Gulls", Philippe Dubois). Follow this link to see a selection of Atlantic-type YLGUs - but none are of the even more smith-like Azorean form. I feel that it could be extremely hard to identify a 1B Azorean YLGU in North America, given their similarity to some smith. HERGs: