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A fairly fresh presumed female Mountain/Orange-crescent Groundstreak Electrostrymon (was Ziegleria) guzanta at the main Square in San Ygnacio, Zapata county, Texas on December 10, 2004:

Below is a rotten pic, but it maybe the only one ever taken of a flying Mountain/Orange-crescent Groundstreak!:

one of at least six Mountain/Orange-crescent Groundstreaks Electrostrymon guzanta seen in Green Gulch, Chisos Mtns West Texas April 27 - 30 2005:

three Mountain/Orange-crescent Groundstreaks Electrostrymon guzanta seen at Rancho del Cielo (the small sunken clearing near cabins at c. 3.800 feet), Tamaulipas, MX, March 10 - 12 2006: