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All these presumed Ocola Skippers Panoquina ocola were photographed in my yard on Lake Worth, Tarrant County, TX. If they are all ocola, then they demonstrate how variable that taxon is, and how difficult it is to identify Purple-washed Skipper P. lucas (typo as leucas; junior synonym sylvicola) or Hecebolus Skipper P. hecebola in the field with any degree of confidence (except for extremes):-

1) This on the early date of May 22, 2003 (I documented the first County record of Mallow Scrub-Hairstreak a few yards away later the same day, so conditions were right for northerwards vagrancy of leps); note the rather pale yellowish tone, small rounded cell spot, extended lower point to the largest pale spot, and long narrow white line in the Cu2 cell:
Digital pics:-

Film (print) pics:-

2) This was June 17, 2003 - the stigma indicates that it is a male. This individual seems fairly fresh (based upon the condition of the wing fringes) and has strongly contrasting vhw veins and very strong vhw dot marks - to me this pattern seems virtually identical to P. lucas I've seen in photos; also note that the strong evening sun gave the upperside an exaggerated yellow caste:

- if this is an ocola, then surely lucas is not firmly identifiable from this type of photo (i.e. upperwing pattern not fully visible)?

3) This was in my yard area on August 7, 2001. When I took the photos I assumed it to be one of the numerous Ocola Skippers Panoquina ocola that had been in my yard for a week or so following a big arrival of southern butterflies that had already yielded Tarrant County's third-ever Sickle-winged Skipper Achlyodes thraso (the second County record had also been in my yard a month earlier) and the first County record of Soldier Danaus erisimus, plus many Long-tailed Skippers Urbanus proteus.
Could this be a lucas? or perhaps even a hecebola ? Sadly I paid it scant attention at the time, being ignorant of the possibilities... These are the only two images captured.
The popular guide books (and the USGS web site) state that these two forms can be identified from ocola by the presence of a clear white mark in the FW cell just above/ahead of the largest pale patch - but the references do not agree on the shape of this patch: USGS and Opler in Peterson Eastern Butt. state that hecebola has a rounded spot while lucas has an elongated spot; Brock/Kaufman also states that lucas has this spot elongated - but that hecebola's spot is "flat." The photos in Brock/Kaufman plus these online pics of hecebola here (note how text says cell spots are round, while images show them elongate!), and here (this one from Belize) indicate that hecebola's cell spot is variable in shape and can easily approach that of lucas.
I have no expertise in this area, thus the cautious approach would be to consider this individual to be a variant ocola - but this position forces the question: If some ocola can exhibit an obvious elongated white cell mark, are hecebola and lucas identifiable from ocola or (each other) in the the field? keep in mind that (according to the popular guides) the pattern of the UHW is very variable in all three taxa, and thus only an extremely well-marked lucas could be deemed out-of-range for the variation shown by ocola: - and how would one separate an "elongate spot" hecebola from a dull/worn lucas?

4) from August 2002:

5) from early June2002:

6) from early June 2003:

7) from mid-June 2003:

8) from early June 2003:

9) from June 11, 2003; this specimen is in my freezer, available for examination if desired: