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These birds were photographed in late July 2003 at the same Texas site as all the other egret photos:
A) July 17: This juvenile bird looked noticably chunkier and slightly larger than nearby Snowies; note the long-looking, very thick legs, and dull greenish-yellow slippers. When foraging it looked like a L.B. Heron, with no foot-shuffling (all the Snowies in the same pond were shuffling - including other juveniles):

Here is a nearby adult Snowy Egret (right) at the same distance/magnification/crop, for comparison:

B) July 20 in exactly the same spot. At first I thought it was the same bird as above (I repeatedely saw yellowish slippers with black fore-tarsi, but was unable to get a photo because it remained in the water the whole time) - but the hints of ginger in the plumage and the slightly different bill/face shape/pattern reveal it is a different individual. Its feeding method was exactly like nearby L.B. Herons, with no foot-shuffling:

I looked very carefully at the wing tips, and there was no sign of any slaty tipping, even when the wings were opened:

Below is a juvenile L. H. Heron in the same pond; when the above bird's foot appeared like this while moving, the black upper tarsi and clean-cut dull greenish-yellow slipper was obvious: